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Walk Every Day Movement


Our Story

LAWS Co. firmly believes in the power of walking outside every day. I never realized how life changing this was until I got my dog Little Ann. Ever since she was a pup, I have made it a priority to walk her every day. Since then, I have come to learn and realize just how beneficial this is for your body, brain, and personal well being. Walking every day has truly gotten me through some of the toughest points in my life and having Little Ann by my side made all the problems in life seem as if they did not matter. In the fast paced, constantly demanding world we live in, there is not a lot of time for you to slow down and organize your thoughts. This is what walking every day has done for me, and I would like to show you how it can do the same in your life as well. Whether it is 20 minutes, or a full day hike, the idea here is to get outside as often as possible and walk everyday. If you would like to join this community and movement fill out the form below to be added to the LAWS Co. facebook group where we post our adventures and walks. 

Join the Community

Tel: 970-372-8922

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