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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

Do You Have A Plan?

I know that a big thing now days is to "just live life" and "YOLO it" but is that really what you want?

Now I am all for making the most out of life and ensuring that you are getting everything possible from it, but I just don't think living on a whim is how you get there.

It may be an unpopular opinion, but I believe that having plans, goals, and working for something is how you get the most out of life.

Now I am still working on this and am by no means an expert yet, but with planning I have as much control over what my outcome will be as possible. Then, past that is when you can have the "it is just life" mentality.

Rather than the reverse, where you have no idea where you’re going, what you are shooting for, or what you want and then you end up years down the road wondering how you got to nothing.

This applies to all areas in life, finance, fitness, family you name it. Have a plan and start looking at how you are going to get there. Decide what you want, then take the actions towards it.

Now the real challenge here is doing what you say you are going to.

You can have the best plan in the world, but if you don't execute on it what good is it.

If you ask me how to create happiness?

I would say: decide on what you want, create a plan, run the plan.

Take control of what you can and then let life fill in the rest. This is how you end up happy, even when shit is going wrong.

Start planning your life today and see how it makes you more involved in life not less.


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