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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

Don't Be Afraid Have Faith

Today is Easter Sunday.

I love Easter, it is one of my favorite celebrations.

I love the readings, the joy, spring, and the fact that it is the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead.

I also love that no matter how many times you hear the same readings you can always pull new meaning from them.

In the Easter reading there is always one sentence that I never understood. I didn’t understand it because I never saw why it mattered until now.

In the Gospel it talks about Peter and another disciple running to the tomb to look for Jesus. It says, "So Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb. They both ran, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first." (Jn 20:19)

I remember hearing this every year and thinking, why is that in there, it is such a random thing to say when the whole idea here is the fact that Jesus is gone. I would think who gives a crap that Peter is slow.

But this year I think I finally understand, at least for this moment in my life, why this is important.

It is important because they were both running towards unknown, they were sprinting towards fear and uncertainty. The other disciple got there first, but even though he was there he was not ready to go inside. He was still too afraid.

The gospel then goes on to say that when Peter arrived, he went into the tomb to find it empty and see that Jesus had risen.

While Peter did not arrive to the tomb first, when he did arrive, he was ready to enter and face his fear.

I guess my point is, it’s not a matter of how fast you get to your destiny... it is a matter of how ready you are when you do.

Do not get to the destination with doubt, have faith even if it takes you longer to arrive.

Happy Easter.


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