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Enjoy The Highs When They Come

Often, I have a hard time letting myself enjoy relaxing and feeling good.

I always want to be getting things done, learning something, or using my time wisely (which I don't always do).

Sometimes though, it is good to just enjoy a day for what it is.

I have been trying to remind myself that it is okay to just have a day where you do not worry, and you have gratitude for where you are.

After all, without true appreciation for what we have, how would we ever keep the momentum to move forward?

Occasionally, we must stop, look up, and soak in all the blessings we have today.

Without this, we will miss the point of the work, we will forget why we started and quit.

Now, I am not saying to always frolic around with no tasks or work. I am just saying make sure you know when to come up for air occasionally.

A good way I like to help keep my anxiety low in moments of enjoyment is to still make sure my "fun" day is productive in some way.

It might not be my typical task list, but I still came out of the day a better person in some way.

Never waste a day. Just allow yourself to have a fun one when you need it.


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