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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

Little Ann

Ever since I can remember I have said and known that I wanted two things.

One was to own a business and the other was to have a dog.

6 years ago, Little Ann came into my life.

Two years into that, she gave me the inspiration to start my own business.

I remember Ann and I were on a walk, and she was carrying one of her sticks. It was HUGE, more than double her size.

She did this all the time; she would not drop the stick the entire walk even though it was insanely heavy.

As we were walking along the street, at least 3 cars slowed down, stopped and took a picture, or waved at us while laughing.

I have never seen a dog so aware of the effect she was causing. The bigger the stick, the more attention, the more happiness.

She would carry that damn stick for a mile just for the smallest chance of someone seeing her and smiling.

That walk was when I had the idea to start Little Ann Walking Stick Co.

While it has been a journey through different ideas and phases, the core of the company has always remained the same, make people happy.

The goal is to make someone’s day, carry the stick and love doing it just for the chance that someone will see you and be inspired.

Learn to love what you are doing even when no one is watching and then get the added benefit of a person noticing.

Always see how you can help others. You are here to lift other people up, so find what you love and use it for good.

Ann loves sticks. Ann became the BEST at carrying sticks. Ann makes people laugh and smile every time we go waking.

Ann is successful.

It truly can be that simple.

On that note, today is Ann's birthday. She is 6 years old and loving life.

It is also Father’s Day.

The crazy thing is my dad helped me find Ann.

Now I have a dog and a business thanks to him.

Thank you, dad, Happy Father’s day!


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