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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon


Something I have been really focusing on lately is the power of momentum.

I imagine it like this:

I picture in my mind a giant round rock. Then I imagine myself having some reason to move it, I make up my mind, and I start rolling it.

MAN is it a bitch to get rolling though. I finally get it started, and it is slow, but eventually it picks up a bit and it becomes easier. This is what I call momentum.

Now, every time I decide, hmm why am I doing this again? I stop rolling the rock in my mind.

Now, I still need the rock to move, regardless if I stop or not, and I have to get it rolling again.

Which fucking sucks.

This, again, is momentum.

Remember, it takes more energy to get INTO motion than it does to STAY in motion.

This is where I think we often fail on our goals. We forget to watch our momentum.

For example, you start a diet.

MAN is it a bitch to not have dessert after dinner, that extra little snack, or candy in the break room.

But you started, and you made it a whole week!

YAY! You did it, you got the rock moving.

So now the end of the week comes around and you deserve a break, right? You deserve a "cheat". You deserve to stop rolling the rock and look back at how far you rolled it right?


So, you have dessert. You stop rolling the rock pat yourself on the back for getting it the four inches you did and feel good for a second.


Tomorrow, when you wake up you must start rolling it again. And remember how much of a bitch it was to get going the first time??

Odds are by the second, third, and fourth time of having to get that fucker going. You are going to say screw this. The rock can stay there for all I care.

And this, is how we fail hitting our goals.

Although, there is another option it turns out!

It’s called just not stopping. Don't go back, don't think man I deserve a break, don't celebrate your insanely small victories by causing yourself more work.

When you want to stop, think about how hard it was to get going. Think about how easy the next mile will be now that you are on a roll. Think about how much of a pace you have built and how the LAST thing you want to do is kill it.

That is the mental shift. That is the hack. That is how we can win.

Think in these pictures. Apply this to anything you are doing in life. It takes time, but it really does work. All the sudden, that candy in the break room isn't so hard to say no to, the dessert doesn't feel enjoyable, and the things that kill your momentum are like the dick who cut you off in the highway.

Flip them off, go around, and DO NOT stop.


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