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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

Stop Making Quitting and Option

I struggle with this.

I know everyone does.

But we all need to stop making quitting and option.

I have noticed it is often the first suggestion on everyone’s mind when they are presented a problem or are having a hard time.

You hear it all over, in multiple small ways. So small that you don't even realize that is what you are doing.

It is something we all need to hyper focus our awareness on. In every way possible.

Even in the smallest of ways, quitting cannot be an option. So, when you have that moment where you say, "yeah I was going to keep up (enter whatever thing you know you should be doing) but then I started this new project and had to stop." That’s quitting. That is the wrong mind set to have.

Instead, we need to mental shift into "I want to keep up (enter whatever good thing you've been doing) but I am starting a new project, how do I become more effective in one, so I can then shift my focus to the other?"

This will change your life. It is not about what we can cut out and add on, or what do I need to stop in order to start.

It is about what your mind knows you should be getting done and how you are going to create the most effective plan possible to execute.

Create systems, plan your shit, solve the problem.

That is what your goal should be, solve the fucking problem. Not walk away and focus on a new one.

We will get nowhere until we all start actually closing the book on the problems instead of leaving them open and walking away.

I am slowly learning this and man it is hard.

But guess what?

People who pick up problems, and solve them, get paid a lot more than people who just professionally find new problems. You can bet on that.


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