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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

The Law Of Correspondence

The law of correspondence is an interesting law to apply.

It is hard because the law of correspondence forces us to become aware of ourselves.

We must admit that all the good and bad in our lives is a product of our own creation.

This law lives by the idea that whatever is around us is a product of what is within us.

It is the idea that through our patterns, habits and actions we are constantly creating our reality.

This is how we re-live the same reality over and over without even noticing.

We have the same self-destructive habits, the same triggers, and the same response patterns.

Until we change what is within us, this will always be the reality of our lives.

Change who you are, and you interrupt the pattern.

The hard part?

Noticing the pattern, committing to changing it, and ensuring you are changing the initial cause of the behavior.

For some things, this could take multiple rounds of assessment to find the root cause of the thoughts you have.

Often, we don't stick with things long enough to go all the way back to the beginning.

We fix one little thing, make it better for the moment, and figure that is good enough.

Just to have everything we were avoiding pop up again in 5 years even worse than it was before.

Or we think, “fuck it, I can't change it now” and we just deal with misery for the rest of our lives.

What a sad thing to accept when you have so much left to do.

Take the time today to think on this law. What are you doing within yourself that is creating the life you have on the outside.

Think of the good and the bad.

Then start looking at what needs to change.



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