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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

The Law of Polarity

The law of polarity is very simple.

You cannot have one extreme without the opposite.

You must feel pain to know pleasure.

Feel anger to know peace.

Experience sadness to know happiness.

Be aware of negative to know positive and so on.

While we understand this concept, we still have a hard time accepting it.

One reason I believe we struggle with this law is because of the factor of time.

We are so unaware of how time moves and affects us that we base our current situation off emotion rather than logic.

When you are experiencing negative, sad, or painful emotions time feels extended. You are uncomfortable so you want to move quickly out of it.

Although, when you are in the happy, pleasure filled moments, you feel as though time flies by.

This is where we lose our logic and start to spiral into emotion.

If you think about it, if you have one bad day a week that is 52 days.

Out of 365 days a year 52 of them we can just expect something bad to happen.

That doesn't even mean the full day, it could be one hour or one thing in your life that is bad taking up maybe three hours of your day.

Then you have all the positive, there are thousands of things around you that are positive while you are hyper focused on what is not.

So naturally, you believe you have more negative than you do positive.

If we start thinking in chunks of time, we can start to understand how we are affected by life and how we can get through hard things.

This is why doing hard things is important. We must train our brain to understand that the bad is just as temporary as the good. They both are in balance; we just feel as though the bad takes more time and lasts longer.

We want to avoid and get out of discomfort, that is natural. But if you step back and remove your feelings from the life you are in, you will see there is a way to shift.

Start delegating time to the positive, start scheduling how often you need to step out of the negative and swing the pendulum back to the opposing force. Start manipulating time in your favor, rather than letting it play tricks on your brain.

Even in the worst of times, remember this is temporary and one hour of happiness is the same as one hour of sadness, we just aren't trained to handle the sadness.

So, create the opposing force. Force your brain to pay attention to the other side that is always there.

Remember, there cannot be one force without the other. Everything that currently exists has a positive, and a negative.

So, find and use what you need from each.


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