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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

The Law Of Vibration

We are all one, connected by universe and space, made up of atoms that create matter.

Down to the smallest of forms we are all made of the same thing, which is controlled by space and vibration.

Some things have a very fast vibration while others very slow. In physics this is determined by how sold the object is. The more solid, the slower the vibration; the lighter the object, the faster the vibration.

Such as air and a rock.

In the rock the atoms are still vibrating, but they are moving very slow. Due to the object being so solid and dense, there is not a lot of room for the atom to move.

In air, the atoms move incredibly fast and all over the place. They are light and have a large amount of space to fill allowing for a large amount of vibration and energy to be released.

So, knowing all of this, why is our physical being any different?

We are made of atoms, and we hold energy.

We are vibrating at different levels, and we can feel and see what vibrations we are experiencing.

This vibration is what we call intuition, that gut feeling, or often we will label as emotions.

When we are around heavy things, and emotions, our vibrations drop. They slow and we become like the rock. Our mental energy thickens, and we feel down and weighted.

On the other hand, when we are around positive things the opposite happens. We are like air, full of energy and high vibration. We have space to move and think with nothing weighing us down.

The problem is, we do not understand this concept and apply it. So, we get stuck in a low energy state with low energy emotions.

All the sudden our being is solid and heavy.

This is how we drift; we do not audit our vibrations.

If we would pay attention to where our energy is going, and what we are attracting, we could then choose only high vibration activities and input.

This would then create a feeling of lightness, freedom, and fresh air. Your emotions are light and so are you.

You are then vibrating at a high frequency and attracting more things at the lighter frequency as well.

This is so important to creating a happier, freer version of yourself.

The law of vibration is the second law for a very important reason.

If you do not understand how we are all connected, and how each thing in the world has its own energy and vibration...

Then how do you expect to attract the things you want?

Think about this and start to pay attention to the vibration you live in and what you attract.


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