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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

What Is Your Why?

With so much against you in this world, it is easy to feel discouraged.

With social media, thousands of inputs, and immediate access to everything, it can be easy to feel like a very small fish in a large ocean.

I think we forget this often and it can cause a mental block.

We think, nothing we do will really matter or because we have so much to compare ourselves to, we get overwhelmed.

Once we are overwhelmed, the drop it all and do something different attitude kicks in.

So, the name of the game then is to stop the overwhelm or at least learn how to control it.

We are so busy trying to "figure it out" that we don't realize we already know what to do. It is just a matter of doing it.

When I feel this way, I have found two things to be the most helpful in getting my brain to understand I am in control.

Number 1 is remembering why I am doing what I am doing. It is dreaming about what I know I want to create and reinstalling the belief that no matter how slow it may feel, if I do my tasks I will get there.

Number 2 is then planning out and ACTUALLY DOING the tasks that I know I need to do. One step at a time, moving the needle inch by inch.

We all feel overwhelmed by choices, but it is the choices we make that will change the outcome.

I know I feel worse after making the wrong decision, and you do too.

Now it is a matter of showing your brain which choice actually makes you feel good.

In the moment the bad one feels good... but try to be aware of how bad you feel after the fact. That is the feeling you should focus on, then don't do it again.

Find your why and control the overwhelm.

Then you won't feel so paralyzed.


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