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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

You Have Dreams For a Reason

Have you ever thought about why we get the ideas and thoughts we do?

I have.

Why is it that I can imagine up some crazy life that is great, but it could be 100% different for someone else?

I believe it is because the universe and God give us dreams and ideas towards the talents and qualities that we are supposed to be giving to the world.

We imagine what we are good at, put here on earth for, and meant to be out in the world doing.

Yet so few of us act on them.

We think these thoughts are arbitrary, or just us being crazy (and sometimes they are), but what about the consistent dreams... the ones that you can't stop thinking about... what about those dreams?

Can you really tell me they mean nothing?

Can you honestly say there isn't some little piece of that dream that feels righter than anything else in the world?

Why don't we grab hold of these ideas and thoughts we are given more often?

Instead, we opt for comfort and the practical choice, but at what cost?

When we do this, we are keeping our gifts and talents from the world... and in that case robbing many people the chance of living a better life.

Next time you are given and idea... or you dream about that crazy life you could be living, try leaning into it more.

Instead of saying that’s not me... maybe ask why it is not you.

Then go after it.

See what happens.


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